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How to sell a house in Tuscany: Our estimate criteria

As you may already know, when we consider property value, we cannot assign an absolute value, but we can provide an estimate. Based on variables such as national economy, global trends and patterns, local market factors, precise location, condition of the buildings, potential income of the property, level of accessibility, distance from services and other infrastructure, as well as other intangible more subjective qualifications such as the landscape, area, and quality of renovations and furnishings.

To establish the market value of a property, our professionals use economic data resulting from careful research on comparable properties.

The data are crosschecked with information provided by the Inland Revenue Real Estate Market Observatory, the so-called OMI values ​​and VAM Average Agricultural Values. These values ​​are processed by government offices and disseminated every six months, and are the results of the national recorded data on actual sales of various types of property in each territory. This method offers the most realistic perspective on the market in any given area for any given period of time.

In technical terms, the estimate is established using a comparative method in which, the properties physical attributes, its state of maintenance, as well as local trends for similar assets. The systematized OMI values and the VAM values ​​obtained by the Revenue Agency are reduced or increased based on intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics.

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